信用证L/C中的条款解释 |
编辑:安庆赛丽化工有限公司 字号:大 中 小 |
摘要:信用证L/C中的条款解释 |
1。Shortshipment on amount and quantity not allowed。
金额和数量上短装是不允许的。 2。We hereby undertake to honour all drafts drawn in accordance with the terms of this credit。 按本信用证所列条款开具并提示的汇票,我行保证承兑。 3。All banking charges for seller‘s account。 一切银行费用由卖方负担。 4。The credit is subject to uniform customs for documentary credits(1993 revision) ICC publication no。500 本信用证根据第500号出版物《跟单信用证统一惯例》1993年修订解释。 5。Goods to be forwarded in two approximate value shipment。 货须分两批装运,每批所装货物的价值大致相等。 6。We certify that the goods have been supplied in conformity with order no。888。 兹证明本发票所列货物与第888号合同相符。 7。All documents made out in english must be sent to our bank in one lot。 用英文缮制的所有单据须一次寄交我行。 8。Documents must to sent by consecutive airmails。 单据须分别由连续航次邮寄。 9。The amount and date of negotiation of each draft must be endorsed on reverse hereof by the negotiation bank。 每份汇票的议付金额和日期必须由议付行在本证背面签注。 10。This letter of credit is transferable in china only,in the event of a transfer, a letter from the first beneficiary must accompany the document for negotiation。 本信用证仅在中国可转让,如确需转让,第一受益人发出的书面证明须连同单据一起议付。 |
上一条:运动器材 周价格指数 2011年04月04日 发布 | 下一条:为什么80后热衷于婚纱摄影? |